
Here is an example of the handwriting before and after a four month therapy for a 9-year-old boy.
Are you worried about your child because his/her handwriting is illegible, messy or slow?
Does he/she complain about aches and pains in their fingers or wrists? Is there a big difference between his/her copying and free writing? Does he/she have learning difficulties and have lost their self-confidence?
As an adult,
You are not satisfied with your poor handwriting. It is painful and gives you no joy?
Graphotherapy is part of a physical and occupational therapy and it can help you
The causes of poor handwriting also called dysgraphy are numerous. For example: inadequate pencil grip and posture, lack of maturity during apprenticeship (left or right-handed is not yet clearly defined, language disturbances) other associated troubles like hyperactivity, dyslexia, violence...
The script assessment is based on subsequent testing (Ajuriaguerra, BHK, Lüscher Color Diagnostik,MCM) which verifies the integration of cognitive, perceptual-motor and motivational elements.
Our method provides in depth analysis of the handwriting movements by evaluating the kinematic features of the movements. These informations may serve for diagnosis of handwriting disorders as well as for feedback in treatment.
We propose an individual therapy. Part of the training includes specific exercises, brain gym, suppleness and concentration movements. This method is inspired from the French and German graphotherapists, Danièle Dumont & Magdalena Heerman, the multisensory approach of M.C. Maisonneuve and the music therapy to harmonize space and body of Thomas Chochola.
The aims are:
- to make the handwriting legible and easy flowing
- to build up self-confidence and self-esteem
Effective treatment is optimum when a weekly 40 minutes session is foreseen.